Laudation for the staff of our hotel

It would be ingratitude on our part if I did not summarize and rate our vacation at the TUI BLUE Barut Andiz hotel.

I am speaking on behalf of a group of 10 Poles who obliged me to express our common opinion about this place.

Here, all inclusive means that, without exception, all the staff, in all situations, were simply wonderful.

We express our special admiration for the chefs, bakers and confectioners who served us wonders of world cuisine that are impossible to describe.

I only include desserts in the photos to show these beauties.

To sum up, I think that Türkiye offers an excellent level of service at not too high prices.

Side is a place where a week's stay offers many nearby attractions.

We recommend Turkey, where Poles are liked and treated very warmly. Turks have linguistic skills and are happy to show off their acquired skills in Polish: "How are you, darling?" I love you madly” and other phrases addressed to everyone, not just the ladies.

Well done TUI BLUE Barut Andiz hotel, in Side!

9.5* on a scale of 10*

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