"Szczecin's Royal Ascot with painting." (3)

The Vernissage and event No. II took place last Thursda: "Szczecin’s Royal Ascot with painting".

You can reminisce about the first version by visiting our website on June 2, 2022. We were over a year younger…

"Szczecin’s Royal Ascot with painting" has its own requirements: the dress code. So, were trying to copy the British original. The ladies adapted to this requirement beautifully, and the gentlemen, like typical Poles, ignored the fun a bit and appeared more or less "in civilian clothes".

The ladies' fascinators caught the eye, and not only these decorations fascinated the men, as you can see in our photos.

Four ladies were awarded ex aequo for the beauty of these head decoration pieces of art. Additionally, a girl with a beautiful headband, who arrived on horseback was awarded! (The girl, not the headband!)

One gentleman received an award for his headgear. There were two of us! I’m the loser!

The question was whether we were more fascinated by the art or fascinators...

*Fascinator - a decorative hair pin. If it covers 80% of the head then it becomes an Ascot headdress.

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  • 02 May 2024 | Thursday 02:41 Anonim II, Szczecin
    I powiem jeszcze tak -
    Zaproszenia też mi brak.
    Gdybym zaproszenie miała
    Jaguara bym złapała,
    Nogę bym wyprostowala,
    Kasę bym skombinowala.
    Kapelusik zaś ozdobny
    Byłby problemikiem drobnym,
    Gdybym, ach gdybym zaproszenie miala -
    Wierszyka tego bym nie napisala !
  • 02 May 2024 | Thursday 02:41 izala, SZCZECIN
    Jacku, naprawdę śpiewałeś? Nie wierzę :)