Sunset in Key West the evening

The main item on the tourist agenda in Key West is watching the sun set.

They say that it is one of the most beautiful sunsets in the world. We have seen quite many of them in the world and we think that in Poland they happen to be spectacular as well. On "our" beach in Wiselka they are also really great to be photographed.

Assess for youselves whether you like the phenomenon in Key West.

It is the whole atmosphere around this which is important, i.e. the internation crowd of people in the bars at the wharf; ships, boats, motorboat, big and smalkl yachts, and aslo a margarite in your hand! Then the world seems to be evenmore beautiful!

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  • 27 April 2024 | Saturday 05:16 Grażyna
    Jacku! Ależ Ty nabrałeś siły, żeby rozchylić tak grube drzewa(41). Piękny zachód słońca, choć u nas też bywa tak ładnie.