THE SAILS 2923 at day time

On Sunday, we decided to implement the plan from a week ago and take a full-manned motorboat cruise on the Oder River and watch the SAILS  2023 event from the water.

Emotions were high, because most of the crew, apart from kayaking, did not practice such a sport (or rather fun), and some of them were even afraid of water ...

After a short briefing, we sailed the "wide waters" of the Oder River. Our brave helmsmen guided the boat with a steady hand against the waves, because the traffic on the river was heavy and some vessels raised large waves.

Our little boat managed well, and for two hours we circumnavigated several channels of the Oder River, watching the harbour, the view of the city, and above all, the beautiful sailing ships.

The weather spared us and the heat was no longer pouring from the sky, and the breeze gave a nice coolness along with a small shower.

Szczecin lies not only on the Oder River, but as everyone knows, also on the Baltic Sea...

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