Spain, winter 2023/24

At the special invitation of our Spanish friends (we have been calling each other family and have known each other for 30 years), we are in Madrid.

The purpose of our trip to Spain is to dig the first shovel together on the plot of land where Juan Ramón and Carlos new house will be built, not far from Málaga.

Juan Ramón (colloquially Joti) (pronounced Hoti) and Carlos are slowly preparing for a peaceful retirement in a few years, in a warmer climate than Madrid.


We have been participating in mutual celebrations of our families in both countries for years, and that is why we could not miss such an important moment as the beginning of the construction of a new house, where there will also be a small place for us.

Polisg Airlines LOT took us from Szczecin via Warsaw to Madrid, and on the way, from above we watched beautiful views of the Pyrenees in winter.

12°C, harsh winter air and sunny skies - this is what we welcome in the capital of Spain.

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