5. An evening in Phnom Pehn

Air Asia (an equivalent of the European Ryan Air - meaning poor board service) took us to the capital of Cambodia. 

The heat and humidity made us tired in a short time, so we arrived at the hotel quite exhausted.

Only in evening were we able to go to the town centre after a couple of hours' rest  in a freezing cold air-conditioned room.

These days a funeral ceremony will be held in Phnom Penh for late ex-king Norodom Sihanouk in Phnom Penh, who after years of a self-imposed exile, died in Bejging. This means that crowds of pilgrims flock into the city for the event. For us it means that the city which is unbearable with its chaotic traffic, will become unpassble and difficult to sightsee. 

As a reword we will see a half of the nation in one place.

The great Mekong river provides with a living many of the Cambodian people. And a beautiful riverfront boulevard which is well taken care of,  is a tourist attraction. There are not many streets that are as well taken care of here. Along the boulevard hundreds of restaurants bars and pubs are located. You can see mainly tourins in them, or ex-pats from all over the world, who live in Cambodia for good. Because life is much cheaper here and the pension from their own country covers for more. Besides, a good drink costs only 2 USD! And young female or male partners look somehow more attractive...

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