On the way to Bangkok

Traditionally, the first stage of the trip was at Szczecin local airport Berlin - Tegel. As usual  it was  crowded mostly with passengers flying within  Germany .  It is high time  for the airport Berlin - Brandenburg were open .  The construction of the airport resembles that of Polish motorways, where the conflict at the junction of big business  and the state  led to unimaginable chaos.

The alliance of  Airberlin and Etihad of Emirates means that this former onetook us to Frankfurt and from there, the latter carried us to the hub of  Etihad - Abu Dhabi. There we had a two-hour break to stretch our bones  after a more than six hours’  flight and before another similar bit  to Bangkok.

We prefer two shorter six hours’  flights rather  than one of  two hours shorter, but deadly for the cardiovascular ...

On the route Europe - South - East Asia the flights are  filled up to the last seat , and passengers feel quite at  ease on board: talking loudly, bumping,  on their way to the toilet, into the  seated passengers,  pulling  the  seats of the passengers and stubbing them with their knees ,  in front of them.

 We will not pick on any nationalities, though ...

If you try to react to their behaviour, they’d  say : You need to buy a business class ticket!

 Just like in the Polish public transport - you can always take a taxi !

We’re now adjusting with the jet lag and preparing for departure to Yangon .

For several months in Bangkok thera have been ongoing demonstrations by the  opponents of the government .  Luckily they take place outside the main tourist trails.  Although you never know what their plans are ...

The weather   is also unusual .  It rains a little every day.  And this is the middle of the dry season ! The temperature is  also below the average ...   25 - 28 C. Only !

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  • 10 May 2024 | Friday 07:12 Ania
    I znów w drodze, cudowne życie wolnych ludzi.
    Życzę Wam wspaniałej podróży, wielu wrażeń i szczęśliwego powrotu do domu.
    Całuję mocno Babcia Ania z Kamilkiem