Ottawa's suburbs, family and Canadian First Nations

 Here is an excerpt lyrics from The Cabaret of the Old Men:

Family, oh  family.
Family doesn’t rejoice, when is.
But when she is not
You are alone as a dog.

But it makes you extra happy when they are living abroad .... Especially somewhere in North America, right?

My cousin Tadeusz with his wife Teresa have been living in Ottawa for 33 years now. They raised three sons and now are enjoying their retirement after  ceasing their professional activity.

We are visiting them together with Tadeusz’s sister - Elżbieta and enjoying the family atmosphere planning a tour of the country’s two provinces: Ontario and Quebec.

Their home is close to  Kanata - one of the largest districts in suburban Ottawa.

Kanata – in the  Mohawk Indian language means "village" and was considered the origin of the name of Canada. It turned out that the same word means Canada in Iroquois.

The fact is that Canada respects its roots ....

The Mohawks and Iroquois are native Canadians belonging to Indians from y St. Lawrence Valle, called here the "First Nations".  They lived in the area before the arrival of today's Canadian Inuits (Eskimo) in the early tenth century, and before the colonizers from Europe.

Who is who in this country ??

Who is here an immigrant who is a refugee and who is the  host who took them all in, not necessarily with joy ????

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