Myrrh, insence and glog

As farewell to  the resort "Fanar" here are some pictures that prove that you do not have to bother going as far as Oman to take a dip in the hotel pool  orat  nearby  beach. Everywhere else  the place are the  same!

But there is one curiosity that attracted my attention:

One of the treasures of the mountainous region of Dhofar (Salalah) is something that is sold to tourists at all souqs in Oman. Intense smells and irresistibly reminiscent of what is  known to us from the Catholic liturgy. Who among us did not faint in church of the smell?

Even in our resort trees which produce those crystals, grow here.

"Frankincense oil  is obtained from trees  of the genus Boswellia. The tree is cut  site to collect droplets of resin which are allowed to dry and then they are collected. From ancient times until today the most prized resin derived from the region of today's southern Oman.

Freshly flowing from tree resin is in the form of juice which soon solid ifies into a fragrant, seed-like  mass. The resin is harvested from December to May. The resin flows out as white milk-like consistency drops and air quickly solidifies.

Refreshing citrus aroma of frankincense makes thousands of years is used in rituals of purification and meditation. It is one of the main ingredients in the manufacture of incense. It is also used as an additive for fragrance candles.

Olibanum has medicinal properties. In the traditional Indian medicine it is used in the treatment of inflammatory osteoarthritis, inflammation and pain of the spine, catarrhal respiratory system. It also has expectorant properties, antiseptic, anxiolytic and przeciwnerwicowe.

Research on animals confirm that frankincense actually analgesic, immunomodulująco, calming, antibacterial and expectorant, an antiproliferative agent against cancer, reduces inflammation in the course of rheumatism and has a beneficial effect on the liver. "

If interested, read also in Wikipedia on myrrh, we already know what frankincense and gold are!!

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  • 03 May 2024 | Friday 01:29 Grażyna, Łódź
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