The Bokor Mountain - not far from Kampot

Today's weather forcast is rather favourable and it allows us for a further trip without fear of getting really soaked wet.

Our plan was to ride  our motorbike over 100 km up in the mountains!

The biggest attraction of the Kampot area is the Bokor hill, a massif whose summit rises to over 1,100 m above sea level.

Formerly a French colonial resort that was a place of escape from the heat of the capital city, today a Camodian  national park, where you can see the remains of French architecture with the casino built in the 1920s and the depresive rubble of many residences at the top of the hill.

Those houses, first destroyed during World War II, then by the Khmer Rouge, remain undeveloped creating an atmosphere full of ghosts.

For us, the most interesting was riding our motorbike up a road with a perfect pavement,  which is the latest investment to pay soon!

Over 40 km of a winding road in changing weather conditions - from a cold breeze to a fog in the clouds. We put on sweatshirts for the first time in this climate zone.

After three days, we have had 300 km on the metre of our yamaha.

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