Financial operations of ordinary people

At the end of our stay in the south of Cambodia, I have left to describe a very interesting money transfer system inside the country. Due to various financial needs, I used this system admiring its simplicity and efficiency.

The banking network functions reluctantly: it is quite difficult to open a bank account here, and foreigners must have a work permit to do so.

A system was created to superbly replace cash transfers and complement the gap, necessary for everyone in this country:

All you need is a phone card from one of the mobile networks in Cambodia.

There are cash transfer points which transfer cash against a small fee: WING, TrueMoney, NJUMoney and others.

All you have to do is provide the phone number of the recipient, pay the cash and fee, and in a moment the recipient will receive the code number on the basis of which they will get the money at no charge.

Simple, isn't it? Simple, fast and makes life easier.

Those points can be ordinary booths eg. in a store (like our postal agencies) which are literally everywhere. Even in some villages.

One thing made me think: would it be possible in Poland? Well, the money is kept in those booths in regular drawers and you cannot see any safe boxes, security guards and anything of the type.

In Cambodia there are no robberies of such places!!

Well, every country has its customs.

In the end, a little bit about a beautiful Cambodian tree:

"Delonix regia, the flame tree, is a species of flowering plant in the bean family Fabaceae, subfamily Caesalpinioideae. It is noted for its fern-like leaves and flamboyant display of flowers. In many tropical parts of the world it is grown as an ornamental tree and in English it is given the name royal poinciana or flamboyant. It is also one of several trees known as "flame tree".”

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