The bed

The ordered bed has arrived!, i.e. it was brought for assembly in the bedroom on the second floor.

The dismounted elements were not a problem when carrying them upstairs, but the grille filling the frame required special treatment!

After the assembling the bed and testing its resistance, the carpenter’s team discussed the next order: a kitchen table and a bar (after all, it is the most important part of our premises equipment).

Then a market trip to buy a mattress and further gadgets to keep the house clean. The transport by the tuk-tuk did not catch anyone's attention.

And again, we had a small problem with getting a spring-loaded mattress upstairs (it does not bend, unlike the foam one), but it worked well at the expense of a good sweating.

The result is nice, isn’t it?

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  • 13 May 2024 | Monday 02:48 Irena
    Wasz każdy dzień to jak odcinek serialu ,,Kameleon''. Udało się i efekt jest super, bardzo ładna krata. Zróbcie sobie mały odpoczynek wkrótce czeka Was rozładunek dobytku. Wytrwałości życzę I&A