Our role in the city

The second day of Christmas was no different than many others in Kampot.

Though, during the dry season (!) it rained, not really heavily, for an hour.

It certainly affected the reduced pedestrian traffic on our street which resulted in no customers.

In the afternoon, a guy in a very advanced age appeared in the entrance (let everyone define the ages limit themselves) and cried out from the threshold - I am not a drunk, I do not drink. For some time I have been walking up and down the streets and looking for... toilets. But I'm not really a drunk. I do not drink anymore. Can I use your toilet?

He spent some time there, and when he left , he probably thought that he should make a chat with us. We know he is Italian.

To sum up: we gave the guy first aid, we supported him mentally, we listened to some compliments about the decor of our bar and .... Nothing.

Adek as a WC attendant did not do a god job - he did not get a tip!

Should we put above the door: the toilet available to our customers only?

Soo after, a young couple came in (let everyone define the ages limit themselves) they ordered (!) a beer each and immediately the girl ran into the toilet. It was evident that before our beer, she must have already had something cheering up for the evening.

We are happy to be fulfilling an important social role in the city.

We should be understanding, shouldn't we?


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  • 12 May 2024 | Sunday 18:49 Irena W-K, Szczecin
    Inwestycja przed nami poważna i też społecznie ważna,
    I nie da się jej zrobić z bambusa, ani też z żadnego innego "cytrusa".
    Trzeba określić minimum pobytu, do tego dopasować wstępną cenę kwitu,
    I za każdą sekundę dodatkową, by wreszcie ustalić opłatę końcową.
    A jeśli klienta chętka ogarnie i od opłaty końcowej zechce się wymigać?
    - Ta próba skończy się dla niego marnie, bo w metalowych łapach będzie drygać!
    To wszystko, jak widać, będzie nas kosztować.
    Czy warta skórka za wyprawkę?- Trzeba zdecydować!
  • 12 May 2024 | Sunday 18:49 Irena W-K, Szczecin
    Czy macie licznik na wodę ?