Saying good-bye

As farewell, a few summary numbers:

189 days in Asia (186 in Cambodia)

153 entries on the blog

  61 days of work on adapting the house and creating the bar

107 days of the "Chameleon" operation, during which we served:

   33 nationalities

235 clients (one-off visits)

Balance and conclusions:

I described all actions and decisions resulting from them on the blog. Now it's time to give up your dreams and get back to reality.

The experience gained was worth of effort. Meeting people, making acquaintances and friends paid the costs. 

At the end there is of the photo from a Bangkok street - almost a symbol of the climate and the atmosphere of Asia.

See you in real life!



Our luggage looks innocent - like nothing big, and it seems that it is easy to push it all on the troley.

But in total it was over 90 kg!

We had a little bit of lifting, carrying, pulling and pushing. The troley under such load would roll backwards as the belt went uphill!

Qatar Airlines gave us a permit of 74 kg. The overweight  had to be somehow smuggled. We managed quite well. We have ways to do it.

The airport in Bangkok is an ugly behemoth with a mobs of people and expensive restaurants with Thai food at a poor culinary level.

We had to finish off the trip, though.

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