Admiring architecture

Burning unnecessary calories after Easter excessive consumption is the fastest when cycling is not shorter than 20 km!

Today, because of the strong wind, we avoided open spaces, so we toured the Mierzyn commune by looking at hundreds of more or less magnificent houses, villas, residences, and sometimes buildings that pretend to be palaces. But it was not the houses themselves that drew our attention but some of their architectural elements.

Many of them aroused in us amusement and we wondered what purpose they served.

Towers, turrets, dormers, domes and various shapes of windows in the roofs and gables ...

Irresistibly, it remined us of fairy tales about imprisoned princesses - virgins waiting for their prince on a white horse, who up the princess – virgin’s braid would climb the tower and rescue the unfortunate one.

Or maybe those are the windows whcih hide unfaithful wives (less often unfaithful husbands)?

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  • 12 May 2024 | Sunday 03:30 Irena W-K, Szczecin
    Wolę wieże, wieżyczki, wieżyce,
    Niż na Niebuszewie niektóre kamienice...