Ferry to Staten Island

Some travel guides tell you how to explore New York and at the smae time spend the least money.

It is not easy because the prices are high. In our opinion, they increased by about 25% in 5 years. The subway went up the least. 2.75 - one trip, 33.00 – a metro card for 7 days!

To see Manhattan at night in all its glory, you can take a ferry (for free!) from The Battery to Staten Island *. The ferry goes 25 minutes south. On the route you can see the beautifully illuminated Statue of Liberty, and southern Manhattan impressively flicking with its lights.

 * Staten Island - one of five boroughs of New York, and a county in the state of New York, called Richmond. Staten Island is located on the island of the same name, lying in the strait that is the entrance to the Bay of New York.

It is the district with the smallest population, the most ethnically homogeneous. By the inhabitants of other districts, it is sometimes humorously treated as a kind of rural province, which is not without the truth, because the buildings are not dense here (formerly there were many farms here). Currently, the number of inhabitants is constantly growing, which is caused by, among others opening of the Verrazano bridge and relatively good housing conditions, which are certainly better than other districts (first of all it is not crowded here and it is definitely cleaner).

Staten Island can be reached from Brooklyn on this beautiful Verrazano Bridge:


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