Szczecin pearl of 19th century architecture

Zapraszam do zwiedzenia najnowszej atrakcji miasta - niedawno otwartej dla mieszkańców i turystów Willi Lenza.
Willa Lentz - a historic villa located at al. Wojska Polskiego 84 in Szczecin.
"Built in 1888–1889 in the eclectic style of the Second Empire, designed by Max Drechsler for August Lentz (1830–1895), director of the Szczecin Chamotte Factory (Stettiner Chamotte Fabrik Aktien Gesellschaft). In 1899, his daughter Margareta Tegeder became the owner of the villa. .. In the 1930s the owner of the villa became the city of Szczecin, and the villa was used by the Nazi Party and the army (during the Second World War the villa was used by the Third Reconnaissance Aviation Regiment). During the first two post-war years, the villa was occupied by the Soviet army, and in the years 1947–49 there was a delegation of the apostolic administration of the Catholic Church with its seat in Gorzów Wielkopolski. In the years 1950–2008 the villa belonged to the Youth Palace. A comprehensive renovation of the villa began in the spring of 2018. It is expected that the villa will be a place of cultural activity for various institutions and residents of Szczecin (including the disabled), who will be able to use a multimedia room with a stage, a multimedia library / bookstore, a literary and music salon, exhibition and conference rooms, as well as a dining room and a buffet ( in the basement).
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