Monuments of Agrigento

Since breakfast was not included in the price of the "apartment", we went to the city to eat Italian sweets, because nobody here eats anything specific in the morning.

What we were served exceeded our expectations. So: café latte, orange juice and sweet rolls filled with chocolate, pistachio cream and ricotta cream. And how it was decorated!

Price: 23 EURO. It was worth a try.

Stairs, stairs and more stairs led us to the church, which in antiquity was the temple of Athena, then to the diocesan museum. In this museum is John Paul II's apartment where he stayed overnight during his stay in 1993.

We ended the walk up the hill with a visit to the cathedral, the interior of which is impressive, when you do not understand it from the outside.

The view from the tower of the city going down to the sea is worth the climb up the stairs once again.


The walls of many houses are covered with obituaries announcing the death of the loved ones.

I couldn't help but take a picture of the late PENDOLINO.

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  • 03 May 2024 | Friday 20:11 Lidia
    ….poprawiam sie, oczywiscie ' mozaiki '…i oczywiscie 'objezdzajac'…i 'dalej'….chociaz 'w ogole' napisalam dobrze…. Mam wymowke, choc slaba ….jestem 53 lata poza Polska
  • 03 May 2024 | Friday 20:11 Lidia
    Jacku, Adrianie…..a gdzie sa te wspaniale mozajki w Agrigento ktore widzialam z 15 lat temu objezzdzajac Sycylie…wg mnie jedne z najladniejszych jesli nie naj- na Sycylii.Wiem, widzieliscie wczesniej lecz te w Agrigento to cud precyzyjnosci i b dobrze zachowane….mam nadzieje ze Wam nie umknelo. W ogole, Sycylia jest wspaniala i za malo odwiedzana. Bede czytac dale i mam nadzieje ze tez posmakowaliscie danie ze swiezymi anchovies. Pycha.