Fishermen's Neighbourhood

Once upon a time, in the 1980s, Dziwnów was famous for its Belona fishing cooperative and a holiday destination for the FWP.

Anyone who is old enough, remembers what FWP stands for. It was a well-functioning "phenomenon" of holidays for employees of state-owned companies in the communist times.

This phenomenon died from a disease called privatization, and the whole city began to live off individual tourism.

The Fishermen’s Neighborhood  - a  large part of the city - is beautifully situated on a cap  between the Strange  Strait and the sea. There was a Belona labor cooperative (another economic phenomenon in  the communism) and nice fishermen's small houses.

An today?

The entire neighborhood  has been transformed into a family holiday resort, where tourists from almost all over Europe come.

And the fishermen?

A dozen or so of them are professionally active – dong the fishing for tourists.

It can be hoped that the environmental disaster on the Odra River will not affect their businesses.

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  • 10 May 2024 | Friday 06:48 Irena, Szczecin
    Tłumów na plaży brak,
    A nam jest dobrze i tak !