Inle Lake 1

1. Around Nyaung Shwe     First a 30-minute flight form Nyaung OO to Heho with a meal on board.    Then a 60-minute taxi ride to Nyaung Shwe where a nice surprise awaited us. There happend to the best hotel so far during our trip. With a nice name "Amazin...

Market in the town of Nyaung OO

We got cyckling at the market in the town of Nyaung-OO not far from Bagan. The morning traffic was relatively heavy. All vehicles used here were out in the streets: horse carts, buses, hundreds of motorbikes and bicycles. All of them were forming an "organized" chaos. We  arrived th...

Bagan - an archeological site

Bagan is the main tourist attraction in Myanmar. Until today over 2000 out of 13000 pagodas and temples remain well preserved. We have been visiting over a dozen of them cruising Bagan on bikes which was a challenge for itself on deep sand dirt roads. In the evening tourists take an...


It's very difficult to write something about this city after having spent here a late evening and a short night. Our flight to  Bagan is at 6 am! Let's remember that Myanmar is still one of the poorest countries in the world and unfortunately, it is easily noticable. Somehow people don'...