Spring or winter trip to Międzyzdroje?

One can get tired of winter after 5 months of gray and rather gloomy days, right?

The calendar spring encouraged us to go to the seaside for a weekend.

We chose Międzyzdroje to visit this resort off-season and see the changes in the city.

Unfortunately, the weather was not merciful for us. The first day was cold, grey, an icy wind was blowing, and at the end it was pouring (!) with rain.

During an over two-hour walk through the streets of the city, we saw renovated "palaces" and "castles", which are to satisfy the most demanding tastes of holidaymakers.

The big palm trees were a surprise, which gave us faith that it can be warm at our seaside as well...

And on the beach? Lovers of winter swimming encouraged voyeurs to join them in the water.

We didn't follow.

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  • 02 May 2024 | Thursday 19:23 Irena, Szczecin
    Szyje i szale
    Ach gdzież te piękne kambodżańskie szale,
    Co Wasze szyje chłodziły wspaniale?
    Tu w Międzyzdrojach nie pragną szyje chłodu,
    Więc są odkryte do słońca zachodu.

    A potem? Potem różnie być może -
    Na zdjęciach nie widać, jednak to nad morzem...