
Now we are in Galle - the capital of the southern part of Sri Lanka.

In the city center, the movement of all kinds of vehicles driving in disregard of all regulations produces eye-irritating smog.

The situation is no better in the tourist zone, with dozens of hotels located directly on the beach, which create huge noise and blinding lights.

Russians must like it, because there are very, very many of them. They don't bother us, and it must be said that they saved Sri Lanka's tourism business during and after the pandemic.

Fortunately, we are in a small family hotel, a bit away from the hustle and bustle.

The daytime temperature is above 35 degrees Celsius, it rains in the afternoon, and then heavy humidity hangs in the air.

In the heat of the day, we visit local attractions quite briefly, watch the work of fishermen and rest a lot in the shade of large trees resembling huge ficuses.

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