Greenwich an Emirates Airline

Sunday in London means choosing one of the great green areas where you can relax from the hustle and bustle of the city.

We chose Greenwich. We went there by boat - a catamaran on the Thames watching the city from the river.

In  Greenwich there is the longitude ZERO meridian of and except a big park,  there is a huge arena - O₂, which hosts the largest concerts of the biggest stars.
For in London everything is large, if not the biggest.

This short trip to London, let us forget about the ongoing election campaign in Poland, fearful retirement age, disasters caused by Platforma and general misery that must be  turned away from us by D. the renovator.

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  • 03 May 2024 | Friday 21:39 Kasia
    Dopiero teraz zauwazylam ze i Londyn znalazl sie w Waszej galerii... Tesknie ;) :*