New Year's Day at the Parliament House

As invited, we are going to Wiejska Street to the Houses of Parliament.  Just before 6pm a small group (50 people) gets together at a  the mini stage with microphones.

Singing at the Parliament House is organized by KODE. Maateusz Kijowski is the.

Soon we are more than 200 people, and together we are singing  all well known Christmas carols. Some of tchem several times.

I am singing with a  full voice in spite of my poor vocal skills. In the eyes of Mateusz’s I can see full approval.

With dignity I am representing the westpomeranian KOD’s branch.

In anticipation of the appearance of Jacek Kleyff ‘s* we keep singing  more Christmas carols ...

One representative of KOD  Motorcycle group is singing a carol and  receives a lot of applause.

Jacek appears and is singing his songs for which in the 80s he was banned was not allowed  to perform in public.

The texts of his songs  are once again up-to- date, which proves that the communism  in a new version is approaching !!

 I fear to be afraid!

We are  leaving  the Parliament area encouraged  and with a belief that what we are doing now, us - the humble citizens - also plays its role in the fight for the rejection of "the good change".

 And as Adam Michnik said:

After  "the good change",  a very good change will come!

We are all its authors.


 * Jacek Kleyff  (b. August 1, 1947 in Warsaw) - Polish bard, poet, composer, actor and painter.

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  • 13 May 2024 | Monday 12:04 Iza
    Dzięki za relację i za reprezentowanie nas w Wa-wie. Żałujemy, że nie mogliśmy być tam z wami!