The capital on the New Yeara's Day

We are going  for a New Year's Day promenade. There are almost empty streets of Warszawa. We are walking along Powisle and Mariensztat to get to the New Town, and here we are struck by a large crowd of tourists. We can hear many languages from all over the world. We can see happy faces of many foreigners and Polish tourists.

What do they know about what is happening in our country?

And how much do we know? How long are we going to be able to enjoy the freedom and democracy which we had obtained fighting for in 1989? Is there hope today to go back to " the normal"?

At the Old Town, around the Mermaid’s statue, there is a beautiful skating rink, and on it there are  merry adults and children.

Do they realize what is „the good change"  getting ready for them?

We are a little bit  irritated  with their evident ignorance. However, we understand that not everyone, after all,  needs to be engageg in the  political life of our country....

What a pity!

For everyone will  bear the consequences!

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