Ras Al Jinz turtle reserve

„Ras AI Jinz is a fishing village located in the Ras AI Hadd Turtle Reserve, on the eastern shores of the Arabian Peninsula.

The Ras AI Jinz beach is world renown for the nesting endangered green turtle, Chelonia mydas, probably the most important nesting concentration on the Indian Ocean. This is the only place where the public can watch the nesting process of these amazing sea giants.

The Turtle Reserve was established by Royal Decree in 1996. The Ras AI Jinz Turtle Centre, an ecotourism project, was established in 2008 to help monitor the fascinating and amazing nesting processes of these giants of the marine turtle world.

Whilst the Centre cannot control the natural threats to marine turtles such as, birds, crabs and fish preying on the hatchlings or adult turtles being attacked by sharks or foxes predating on the eggs and hatchlings the Reserve, in conjunction with the Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs can educate and control the human induced threats.”

In the evening we arrived at the campsite  on the desert, where we  spent the night in Modest straw huts.. This gave us the possibility of going out at night to the turtle reserve and listen to a lecture about the phenomenon of egg laying by female turtles  which every three years overcome the vast distances of the Indian Ocean right here to make the last stage of the reproduction.

Then, in total silence and darkness (groups of 25 people) we went on peeping female making the  process and returning to the sea.

The pictures are at the best of our technical possibilities.




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