Birthday in a different climate

We haven’t forgotten that this is a special day  - Adek’s birthday.

We did not want to make a fuss and not break the group out of the rhythm of intense visiting the area,  for celebration of the day.

The secret could not be kept!

We had to throw a party.

Paweł - a Camboda’s resident for five years, offered  his home for the ceremony and we started preparing:

Shopping for this occasion was a great experience, because what we needed for a late-night reception was not so easy to get here. Locals do not drink strong spirits. And how to sing "Hundred years ..." when only beer and cola are on the table.

But that's why we have Paweł with local experience and Sophea who knows the needs of Poles. We made it!

A tour around the city and the booths wasl bought: local whiskey "ALEXAND" (23%), some other "miracle" OSBORN "(37%),  and "excavated” with difficulty from the depths of shop shelves - PETROF VODKA" (43%).

Then the purchase of fruit at the market, which has already closing its activity and finally buying hot food in the so-called street kitchens.

Everything took a long time, but we managed to celebrate before midnight!

Great wishes were endless!

And eventually an artistic program with a cabaret (!) brought us to tears of joy.

The cabaret began with a limerick:

(translated literally, in a non-poetic way

Certain Adek from the city of Szczecin

He chose to go to Cambodia in passing

So he made the trip plan so cunning and strenuous

Because Adek is just, respectable and capable

He listens insistently to our boughs

And he will respond patiently to everyone according to his needs

And that this trip is happening in January

We must embrace  you, Adek, at your birthday party

And as to the Jubilarian, we give our best wishes

So Old Polish song, in Cambodia, we will sing a 100 years!

Signed: Cambodia in January 2018



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  • 13 May 2024 | Monday 10:30 K&R
    Gratulujemy udanej imprezy urodzinowej. Adku 100 lat!!!, do kraju nie wracaj ile się da, bo tu smutno i politycznie beznadziejnie. Ściskaj Jacka od nas
    Krystyna i Romek
  • 13 May 2024 | Monday 10:30 Grażyna
    Pewniw Adek zostanie wśród mnichów, bo wygląda na zadowolonego z nowych znajomych.