At the market

A Saturday morning. We’d like to have good breakfast. This time at home. At Paweł's.

We're going to a big market for shopping.

There is not one European-style store in Takeo. There are no supermarkets or shopping malls. And believe me, the people here do not need them at all.

It was tourism that imposed foreign trade culture on Asian countries. The Chinese were the first to take over those modern customs. With great loss for the local lifestyle.

Takeo, free of loud tourist attractions, defends itself against the western form of trade.

This is not necessarily due to the awareness of the residents who probably long for the modernity that they know from big cities.

And I'm happy to be watching an authentic world that is slowly disappearing ...

I am just reading a book by Tiziano Terzani'ni "A fortune teller told me", with the subtitle "Land trips in the Far East".

A fascinating book - report. I recommend it to all who have traveled, are traveling or will travel throughout Asia, so that they can better understand the processes that irretrievably destroy the old customs and beliefs threatened by the aggressive forms of Western modernity.

The author describes, with incredible respect and understanding, all the countries of Asia, where, due to the prophecy, he traveled with all means of transport except for airplanes.

And in Takeo at the market, life goes on at it own pace, without paying attention to a curious white man taking pictures.


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