Sunday in the Takeo province

It's Sunday. We went t visit two villages of the Takeo region to watch temples and monasteries serving only local communities.

We - the tourists - tried not to disturb those places, although we could move freely around the area.

Our surprise was full when we visited two temple and monastery complexes that seemed too big in such small villages.

Pray Run Pagoda and Svay Ampea Pagoda - both beautifully situated over the backwaters which irrigate the endless rice fields. Decorated with ponds with lotus plantation (today after harvesting, though).

The temples themselves, probably not very old, beautiful architecturally and despite the first impression, differing from each other by many elements.

Being in the midst of these buildings and discreetly peeking at the lives of young monks prepared us for meditation and reflection on the sense of rush in life.

A group of kids were entertaining us for a long moment, or rather we were entertaining them. I think my "blond" hair has fascinated them somewhat.

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