Trade and shopping districts now and then

In the morning we toured "our" Arab and Indian neighbourhood. A rainfall stopped us under  the hotel's arcs for about an hour.

On Sunday the tarding is slow - not many shoppers. Charm of the old, narrow allies was undeniable.

In the afternoon a strong rainpour allowed us for a longer siesta. In the evening a trip to the biggest shopping district - along the famous Orchard steet (no orchards seen). A Sunday shopping spree must have embraced just everybody. Inspite of continuous rain (32 deg. C) the crowd in the street wouldn't decrease. In over a dozen hudge shopping malls - crowds of people. Our job was to cvampare the prices.

Conclusions: In numbers both the prices and salaries are the same. But 1 Singapore dollar = 2,7 ZL, so for us everything is three times more expensive.

Towards the end of the day - a good drink at a pub next to The Sultan. The call it "The Gravestone" - a very strong one.

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