The rainy season

Well, “our" rainy season has not ended yet. Yesterday, after a hot morning a strong storm and a real downpour came.

Every time I'm surprised that such amounts of water can fall from the sky at once, and the rats don’t drown anyway! Because people, unfortunately, do. Even Facebook shows such events.

It is good that during a downpour and a few hours after, the temperature drops to about 25 C., and this is a big relief.

We thought that after a few hours, as before, sunny weather would return. And here's the surprise: it's been pouring for almost 24 hours!

It is interesting; we cannot get bored. Neither the nature nor the realities of our stay in Cambodia give us a moment of breath and time flies away very fast.

Today we will not fulfil our daily agenda, but we need some breath, so we are enjoying the cool weather (24 C.) and having some doing nothing!

Maybe you also need some break from us?

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  • 13 May 2024 | Monday 14:47 K&R, Szczecin
    Nic z tego! Jesteśmy od Was uzależnieni, więc nie róbcie nam kuku i piszcie jak najwięcej, to świetna odtrutka na nasze polityczne realia. Ciepło Was pozdrawiamy.