
When visiting the Ground Zero Memorial, and the 1 WTC Tower you cannot overlook a beautiful white building. It is called Oculus:


From a distance, the Oculus construction looks like a huge bird with outstretched wings trying to fly into the air

This building crowns the metro station - WTC. It is the largest and most expensive metro station in the world.

"It's a transfer station for 11 subway lines and suburban rail lines between New York and New Jersey. Established in the place where the famous World Trade Center towers collapsed in 2001.

The construction, which was to take 5 years and cost $ 2 billion, actually lasted 12 and consumed more than 4 billion from the US budget.

The terrorist attack that took place on September 11, 2001 caused, in addition to the collapse of the towers, damage to the underground lines beneath them. Two years later, the construction of a modern interchange station began in the same place.

The design of the impressive station called Oculus was created by the Spanish architect and construction engineer Santiago Calatrava, who has already designed many characteristic buildings around the world."

Like everything else that is new and deviates from known standards, Oculus raises controversies that can be compared to those that meet the Szczecin Philharmonic. I am FOR, for both those architectural phenomena.

Once again, I gotsurprised by new contructions and other changes, and again I am delighted.

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