From the city of Mexico to the south

We are leaving the hospitable home of Hania and Adrian Arredondo’s - the parents of Adrian Jr.’s, whose wedding brought us to Mexico.

By bus we went to the city called Xalapa*, where Adrian Sr.’s brothers - Mauricio and Viktor live.

We are guests of Mauricio’s in his home, which is another example of Mexican residences.

Xalapa is on the border of the tropical zone, so there is extremely intense green here, because rain often happens even in the dry season!

Mauricio is an architect, he did postgraduate studies in Poland, where he got married and lived for 6 years.

He invited you to visit his house, so we showed the ground floor part of the house, because the bedrooms on the first floor according to Mauricio’s words are not prepared for sightseeing!

Xalapa, full name Xalapa-Enríquez (also Jalapa) - a city in eastern Mexico, in the Eastern Sierra Madre, at an altitude of 1430 meters, the capital of the state of Veracruz. The city lies in the center of the state, 105 km from the largest port in the state of Veracruz and about 330 km from the capital of the city of Mexico. In 2010, the city had over 420,000 residents.

The name Xalapa comes from the words in Nahuatl xal-li meaning sand and a-pan meaning place with water which can be translated as a source on sand.


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