At the Opera

Excited by the event awaiting us at the Opera, we did not check the time of the performance and that is why we arrived at the Opera Square 2 hours early ...

So, we had the opportunity to watch the crowds in the square and the packed restaurants.

A bit chilly (around 12 degrees) despite the blue sky, so we "wasted" time over a beer, in a pub away from the square itself, because it's always a bit cheaper.

One hour before the performance, the gates and doors of the Opera were opened, so we could watch the theater on all floors that were open to the audience.

In the ballroom, we imagined beautiful dances for one hundred pairs ...

You could see pieces of the stage from the boxes on the top floors, but you could hear it perfectly everywhere.

Our ground floor seats had great visibility, but the orchestra on the whole was awfully cramped. We suffered a bit because it was a performance that lasted almost two hours, without a break!

What is this story with Bernstein's music about?

About a troubled family: a mother dies in a car accident, which contributes to the traumatic memories of the whole family due to the homosexuality of their son who left the family home early. Returning home, that is, to a supposedly quiet place, reveals all the problems.

The multi-minute applause of the audience confirmed the success of the composer and the creators of the show, including a Pole - Krzysztof Warlikowski.

We, as middle-class connoisseurs of opera and classical singing, would prefer to hear somehow better voices of the soloists. We liked the main character's soprano and the beautiful-sounding choir.

Bernstein's music defended itself.

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