A countryside store?

Another dinner evening at Puppe and Dave’s. They invite us because we have passed over to them our kitchen supplies. Another day of our fun at the GS store (an old time countryside convenience store), in which you bought everything from soup to nuts, when supplies were short in the cities. A Khmer...

A supermarket?

No, we cannot stay a week longer in Kampot, because it can be dangerous to our health! Our customers of the sale - owners of local restaurants (non-Cambodians), after making a favourable (for them) transaction, insist on having a drink with us. They pay for the drinks, though. They want to say goo...

Selling out

Sunday - the official opening day of our clearance Had we had so many guests at the Chameleon every day, as we had at the sales, we wouldn’t have bee able to serve them all. Conclusion: Maybe it is better to start with a business in which you buy expensive and sell cheaper? At least you might gain...

The sales

Well, the day has come! Friday, February 15, 2019. The leaflets about the sale are ready for distribution. We need to prepare the house and on Sunday morning open the doors for the buyers. Meanwhile ... On Friday at 8pm Lim showed up with a dozen or so people from his neighbourhood. And it all be...

View from the house

Every weekend, large groups of young people march in front of our house on the way to the college - a polytechnic. These are twenty-year-old ones! Each college has its own uniforms, so these yellow ladies are studios of the polytechnic. This heavy load is being pulled by one man only, and in the ...

St Velentine's Day

We would like to assure all our Friends that:  On the Saint Valentine's Day you have good wishes from our heart! (from both of them!) From the beginning of the acquaintance  you are always present in our hearts and you will stay there until the end, because it is a continuous thing. According t...

Good-bye to our Guest

Our guest's Iwona’s last dinner in Kampot was a Thai restaurant run by a Thai lady - Puppe and her British husband - Dave. Once again, we can tell that Thai cuisine suits us best. In turn, Puppe, who was a guest at the Chameleon twice, told us that she was happy to get to know another European cui...