New Year's Eve on Gran Canaria

New Year's Eve is  one of those days of the year, which imposes obligations if we did not have any others which we have to obey. In this day we have to cnoform the tradition, and even if we were sad, upset, or  in general felf bad, we have to enjoy, rejoice, laugh, dance and do what there was inven...

Playa del Ingles

Playa del Inglés does not have a typical centrer; trade, services and restaurants are located in shopping malls (CC = Centro Comercial). A characteristic feature of most C.C. is their construction - the lower levels 2-3 are buried in the ground. Due to the mass audience, their offers are all simil...

Flying to Gran Canaria

So,  we are off to the Canary Islands, specifically to Gran Canaria. We are pleased to have got persuaded by Mark and Darek - our friends from Bydgoszcz to spend the New Year's Eve together inj the warmth of the Canary winter. From Wikipedia: "The Island of Gran Canaria, with its surface of almost ...
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