Episode 52

Taming the Life. My Talks with Adrian

Episode 52

Talk fifty one.

Washington D.C., 02nd April

- This has been a tough marathon: 1200 km from Atlanta to Washington.

- And then a ride to the airport to return the rental car.

- Our second American loop has got closed up. I don’t know if you have counted, but we drove a total of over 13 000 km all over the USA.

- Now I have to sort out everything in my head and digest it, so I can tell what I liked the most.

- And where, for example, you could live on a permanent basis, huh?

- There’s one thing I know. Nowhere outside Poland. I’d love coming here each year, but I prefer to live in Poland.

- I’ve been of the same opinion for many years. Our house in Wisełka, mainly because of its location, is the most beautiful place in the world. With one drawback. That miserable climate. Those nasty winters. Those rainy summers. I think, only the spring there is just fine.

- Unless it happens that the spring never comes and after the winter, the summer comes right away!

- How can one live there, Mr. Prime Minister?!

- Somehow we are doing fine, aren’t we? I have to say something.

- Oh!

- When we were taking good-bye with Aziz, he expressed his disappointment that we hadn’t invited him to our hotel.

- Did he have something particular in mind? Why didn’t he say that out loud? What was he ashamed of?

- Somehow you embarrassed him.

- So? Why didn’t you take up the subject?

- He surprised me and it was late, and in the morning we had to hit the road.

- It may’ve been worth staying in Atlanta for another day…

- But we didn’t and it was OK.

- Let’s not drill the subject any further. I have to say something.

- Oh!

- I liked him. He was super sexy. 

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