Our first festival day

What is our first day of the festival like?

In the morning we visit the center of the event - the office in the movie theater. We make sure that everything goes according to plan.

Tonight we will watch only one movie - "The Hero" - by the famous Iranian director (working in France) - Asghar Farhadi. The film won the Palme d'Or in 2021 in Cannes and is now a candidate for an Oscar.

It's hot so we're going to the beach. We manage to find some shade in the pine trees and enjoy doing nothing.

In the afternoon you have to rest after doing nothing and go to the afternoon siesta. And in the evening – the movie.

The film is brilliant, wonderfully played, and most of all it shows the complicated life in the regime of Iran. Sometimes we have the impression that a few more years with PiS and it will be even worse in Poland...

And after the movie ... Disco in the square in front of the theater! But how it is organized! It is a "silent disco"!

Everyone rents headphones and dances to a tune of their choice (from one of the three soundtracks). Two DJs rule the console and all the people dance as best they can.

You can just see joy on everyone's face!!

You have to come back to our inn (13 km from Ińsko), because tomorrow morning is another  movie!

From the terrace of our accommodation we watch the moon, which now is very "close" to us.


A certain Mr. Suski (one od the PiS politicians) said that the moon is more important than the sun because ... it shines at night! And it's not that important to shine when it's daytime!

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