
When visiting the Ground Zero Memorial, and the 1 WTC Tower you cannot overlook a beautiful white building. It is called Oculus: From a distance, the Oculus construction looks like a huge bird with outstretched wings trying to fly into the air This building crowns the metro station - WTC. It is ...

Day three. No 1 WTC Tower and Ground Zero Memorial

During every stay in New York, we come to Ground Zero to watch the progress in rebuilding and building this tragic place. We were in 2004, 2008, 2010 (by the way 10.04!), 2012, 2014 and today! For the first time since opening, we entered the 102nd floor, One World Observatory. "One World Trade C...

By night

 Another "must" in Manhattan is an evening-night ride on a double decker bus The wind is blowing cooling down the hot heads, and the bus is bumping a little in the traffic jam, sometimes braking sharply, so taking good "hand-held" photos is practically out of the question. You will forgive me for ...

Day two. New York musts

What was it with that Rome and Pope? It's the same in New York! Be here and not see the most famous French woman up close? This is not to be done! Previously, we had not visited this woman from the inside, so this time we decided to buy tickets "for the whole". Easy to say, harder to do. The near...

Day one Brooklyn (meals)

For breakfast - bagels! Hot soup for lunch in Pret a Manger (ready to eat). For dinner - bagels. But with a good drink. We hope that in the next days we will eat more variety! But we ars not going to eat thise here:

The jet lag (this time by 6 hours) has the advantage that you can't sleep long ... At 05:00 in the morning I could watch the moon set and sunrise over Brooklyn. The views from the balcony confirm the beauty of New York's residential architecture, and the subway trains passing by make noises as if ...