Stage II - getting mrried

Ah, what a wedding it was! Part two - the marriage ceremony Hania escorted in her son and Roberto his daughter. It was the first moving moment. The master of ceremonies read his own prepared text containing the love stories of Olympia and Adrian's and the stories of his acquaintance and friendshi...

The wedding - stage I

Ah, what a wedding it was! Over 250 guests in an unusual scenery of Hacienda Santo Cristo witnessed the ceremony that the Couple planned and designed according to their own ideas. Olimpia Vázquez and Adrián Arredondo got married in this secular ceremony. They were both born in Mexico. Her family c...

Why in Mexico?

It's time to reveal why we went to Mexico right now. My friends Hania and Adrián Arredondo are marrying out their son! They invited us to the wedding because that was the wish of their son's - Adrián whom we met 8 years ago and then we spent some time exploring the city. so happened that I was a ...

Eating, drinking and communicating (transport)...

A little more about where we live, what we eat and how we move around the city. One of the many differences between countries with seemingly the same language are the names of the dishes. Tortilla in Spain is something like scrambled eggs baked with potatoes, which is eaten hot or in pieces as a c...

A pilgrimage?

The program of visiting the city included a visit to the distant La Villa district, where the Old and New Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe is located, where John Paul II repeatedly held services. He is worshiped here as well as in Poland. And maybe even more and more truly because his nationality d...

We are living in the Santa Rosa district, and the mountains are Los Balcones. The houses of the Arredondo family are terraced on the slope and actually constitute "balconies" from which one can see a part of the city in the distance. Provided that the smog chases the wind, which does not happen too...