On Holy Saturday we set off to Gorzów, driving on almost empty S3. From Legnica, the driving gave us pleasure  because with small car traffic we could admire the landscapes drowned in spring greenery. Entering the city from the south, you noticed the lack of a known silhouette of the cathedral, bec...

An oasis in a big city

There are places on earth that attract with their beauty and special charm, thanks to which life is more beautiful, and without which you would not be able to endure sometimes ailing reality. The ability to "work out" such a place is priceless. Worth the effort and the enormity of the work put in t...

Preparations for Eastwer are in progress: shopping madness and last momwent house cleaning. Although without one and the other the holidays will come anyway. Maybe it's better to go for a walk? That's what we did. We are off into the city and watching Wrocław in the beautiful light of the spring su...

Good Friday

The beautiful weather in Wroclaw (after all it it so all over Poland, isn't it?) allows us to enjoy our stay in the city. The photos will come tomorrow ... Because today I have more important things here: For those practicing Catholic traditions on this day, I have a fast dish offer. Admittedly ex...

A moment at home...

Today at home preparing for some Easter days away in Wrocław and Gorzów. For lack of a better topic, a few photos from our balcony. These bars are not in our balcony, but they are a decorative archirectonic elements of the tenement house, separating us from the views of the setting sun. See you i...

Bicylce Sunday

The bicycle sunday took us to Trzebież. "Trzebież" (until 1945 German: Ziegenort) is a village in Poland located in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship, in the Police Poviat, in the Police commune. It belongs to the Szczecin agglomeration. Physicogeographical the village is located on the Policka Plain...

Culture time

Spring is the time to start a cultural life, right? At the beginning, a concert at the Szczecin Philharmonic Hall*. For non-Szczecin residents two footnotes below. We went to the Mitch and Mitch concert. https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitch_%26_Mitch This big band (9 musicians) surprised us with ...

Who will win the fight?

The winter is fighting with the spring. The spring will win anyway! The teachers are fighting. With who??? They will win!! WE ALL WILL WIN! Everything that is bad always comes to its end. Sometimes it only takes unnecessarily long. We have snow in the garden but at home the fireplace is buzzing....