Episode 47

Taming the Life. My Talks with Adrian

Episode 47






Talk forty six.

Savannah, Georgia, 21st March


- More and more do I like the South and the way we immerse in its history and beauty.

- But we’re not going to talk about the Civil War because the Internet can satisfactorily help us complete the knowledge?

- Are you afraid that I will start boring you again? Let's focus on the beauty of nature which is so well cultivated here, and the unique architecture of the city.

- Savannah[4], Georgia is not as beautiful as Charleston.

- I really like it because in addition to the great American history, it shows us its beauty which is nothing like the cities that we have seen so far in the world. I have to say that this is the first American city whose urban layout is based on four large rectangular squares[5] and dozens of similar (over one hundred), but smaller ones. On those squares are seated monuments, planted azaleas, dogwoods and a special variety of oaks with the Spanish moss[6] hanging on them. One of these squares is dedicated to Casimir Pulaski – a Civil War hero. He died of wounds which he suffered in the Battle of Savannah on Oct. 11, 1779. All of these squares the city offers its people some shade and little cold.

- That thing on the trees doesn’t look like moss.

- Because it is such a customary name. Let me play the wise and tell you that it’s a rootless epiphyte with stems are covered with silvery lymph hair, visually similar to lichen. This moss can grow even on telephone wires. It is used in upholstery and as an ornamental plant. Savannah boasts with many avenues with the oaks “ornamented” with the moss. The moss is under strict protection.

- The avenue of oak trees with the "hair" of the moss hanging from the branches, look like in a horror movie. And that's why here in the South night guided tours of old cemeteries, haunted houses and other horror places, are so popular.

- The Americans love to be scared, or threatened.

- So do I.

- Do you remember our first Christmas in Wisełka?

- Did something haunted us there? Were you scared or threatened? Myself, for the first time, I just did not go home for the holidays. My father was still negative about my being gay.

- New Year's Eve 2000/2001 was also significant.

- What do you mean? Do you have Karol in mind?

- Oh, well! If the cap fits…Admit it, you liked the complimets he paid you. Was he trying to pick you up? How cheeky of him!

- Today, I see that it was quite dangerous.

- For our relationship, of course! I got scared that I wouldn’t be able to stop something that was so natural. Did I have a competitor?!

- You were right reacting on the spot and drove away the “weedler”.

- I had the experience after Havran... 



[1] Savannah Georgia

[2] Savannah squares

[3] Savannah moss

[4] Savannah Georgia

[5] Savannah squares

[6] Savannah moss

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