Episode 58

Taming the Life. My Talks with Adrian

Episode 58

Talk fifty seven.

New York, 14th April, in the morning                                             

- This is our third trip to New York during which we come to visit Ground Zero[3]. Every time I see it, I go through it all over again!

- Ground Zero[4] changes from year to year, even though everything is slower here than at any other New York investments.

- Because it is a special place. A memorial and worship place.

- The memorial to the events of September 11, 2001, and the whole Grand Zero made a great impression on me.

- The construction of the Freedom Tower and other surrounding skyscrapers still continues. It may take another two years.

- What really caught me, was the sight of those two great pools – fountains, in places where there the two WTC towers had been.

- What really caught me were all the names etched in bronze on the boards around the pools.

- Instinctively we were looking for Polish names.

- And I could not resist not to touch those names. Anyway, everybody was doing so...

- Did you see that only tree that survived the attack?

- Yes, I did. And I also saw how it is now being protected!


[1] Ground Zero NYC

[2] Ground Zero Memorial

[3] Ground Zero NYC

[4] Ground Zero Memorial

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