Episode 60

Taming the Life. My Talks with Adrian

Episode 60


Szczecin, end of April, 2012 

- Can one really live in Poland? In the twenty-first century in Poland, can one live as gay?

- We, somehow, are managing, aren’t we? So far, so good!

- This is a very selfish attitude, my dear.

- What is there for US to do, so that all the gays had their life easier, better?

- Do not hide, show up, live normally. To prove with our life that there’s nothing, but nothing completely different in it from the life of the rest of the society.

- Take up the fight for our rights?

- The very idea that we have to fight for something that belongs to us from the very fact that we l i v e, disgusts me.

- But this is the reality and we can’t escape from it.

- But neither I nor you are running away. We don’t hide our heads in the sand. It seems to me that we bear with dignity what fate gave us.

- Oh, how serious it’s become.

- I'll tell you something at the end, and let it be the point of our talks. Once, talking to a radio journalist, who interviewed me, I tried to explain that I was a happy gay ...

- Sorry to interrupt you. Did he want to defend his assumption that one can’t be a happy gay in Poland?

- So I thought. To his question, what difference there was in the lives of gay and non-gay people, I had a simple answer which surprised him.

- What did he learn from you?

- He learned that there was no difference.

- Isn’t there??

- With all my conviction I’m saying: There’s no difference! Except that a gay person has one problem in life more!

- It's a very good point!

- And that'swhy I want these talks to be published as our contribution to making our Readers convinced how NORMAL we are!

- And finally, do you think you tamed life?

- This have to assessed by those who’ll get to the end of these talks!

- So, this is THE END!

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