We are staying in the EU!

126 cities in Poland have expressed their will to stay in the European Union. Are there still too few of us for this disgraced authority to understand that their time is up! A sudden gastric indisposition did not allow me to participate in the demonstration personally. Certainly, it was the sa...

Another sunny but cold day. The wind does not deter us either and we pass border towns to reach Blankensee. They do not check passports at the border, because we are still in the EU. Slightly tired of the numerous climbs - we return to the base. In total we covered "only" 36 km. A certain part...

Bike weekend (1)

Beautiful sunny weather in the October weekend motivated us to return to the bicycle routes. The excess of family and business duties resulted in an over two-month break in this recreation. As long as we are still in the EU, we need to use the German routes, where, apart from good bicycle paths, t...

At the Szczecin Philharmonic

Beethoven's Missa Solemnis (Solemn Mass) to start the season after a looooong break ...   This masterpiece, according to musicologists, the most personal piece by the composer, sounded great in our Philharmonic, and not only good, as this institution advertises in its program: THE...

A day in Gorzów

Well, how is it: In which Polish region is Gorzów Wielkopolski located? In Wielkopolska or Lubuskie? “The history of the Polish name of the city began at the beginning of April 1945, when the name Gorzów began to spread. The name, although not historically motivated, is not entirely accidental - th...

3rd Equality March

For the third time, the LAMBDA Association in Szczecin organized the Equality March. The event began with a picnic at the fountain at Wały Chrobrego, followed by the march led by several platforms with music and slogans of equality. MONIKA TICHY - is the chairman of LAMBDA, but above all a person ...


      Over 50 performances in the mainstream of KONTRAPUNKT and the OFF trend within 10 days!   We chose mainly mainstream performances, because they took place at a convenient time for us, that is at 8:00 PM.   Festivals are also an art of compromise: What to choose?   Festiv...


The KANA Theater is an OFF theater and that is why KONTRTAPUNKT's proposals that differ from the mainstream are staged there. Most often they are bold performances, touching painful social and moral issues, and sometimes they are just happenings. It is difficult to classify today's performance i...