Economic activity

At the beginning of September, we filled all papers necessary to register our planned business. Do you remember? Two guys came to us, they looked at the premises, took the money (quite substantial) because it's a form of tax) and they announced that it would take 28 days to get the license without ...

Thoughts on Kampot

The time has come to describe the tourism phenomena taking place in Kampot. Partly, I had already written about them, but I’m writing this as a reminder, because they have a direct impact on the behaviour of foreigners living here permanently, and consequently on our activities. Kampot used to be ...

What customers order

Today there was supposed to be a break in the blog entries. Unfortunately, it failed. I couldn’t resist describing yesterday's meeting with two consumers. No one showed up all day. We planned an earlier closing and going out to the city to see if the latest hit "Bohemian Rhapsody" is on at the lo...

Routine? and boredom

We are afraid that we will soon be a bore to you because the emotions connected with creating a new place to function in a different reality have ended. This stage is over. Now we’re practicing routine activities from 8:30 am until ... the last guest. Should they appear. So after that we put our ...


We would like to thank all of you for supporting us in our Cambodian activities. Thank you for your comments on the blog, for the e-mails sent, for Skype calls and all conversations on other social media communicators, from many places in Poland and around the world. Those contacts and the awarene...

The day after

The opening day passed without much trouble. The program has been accomplished. The guests praised the decor and atmosphere. They eagerly consumed complimentary draft beer, delicious baked mini sandwiches with vegetables and poppy seed cake. We learned some lesson. The culinary and drink plans w...

The day before

It's time to start the dance ... For you, we have specially arranged our bar in its final version, the day before the opening. You have a lot to watch - you will probably get bored. But go to the end, because with the falling dark, it gets more interesting. We're exhausted. And with the door open...

Business contacts

Yesterday was a difficult, stressful day. We had been waiting for the companies that are the key to the functioning of businesses such as ours: Coca-Cola and Cambodia Beer Company. Without these two companies, no pub will have customers. It’s sad but true. The customer decides what will be sold / ...